MGE Working with Multifamily Property Owners and Households to Manage Energy Use
Our utility subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric (MGE), in partnership with FOCUS ON ENERGY®, has kicked off strategic energy management workshops this summer for multifamily households and property owners. The effort aims to create awareness and boost energy savings from the building level to tenants’ units.
“We are working directly with property managers in our service area and with a variety of buildings in their portfolios,” said MGE’s Charles Warner, Senior Residential Customer and Digital Engagement Manager - Residential and Community Services. “Our two-pronged approach focuses on operations/maintenance and tenant engagement.”
Focus on Energy conducts an energy scan of the building and compiles a list of energy-saving opportunities ranging from HVAC and other mechanicals to lighting. MGE personnel also walk through the buildings with facilities staff to get a firsthand look at equipment and processes, answer questions and make recommendations to maximize energy savings. Energy efficiency is a key strategy to achieve deep decarbonization and can help to manage long-term costs for all customers.
“This is an example of MGE innovating to help customers save energy, protect the environment and work toward our 2030 and 2050 energy goals,” said Brian Driscoll, Senior Multifamily Services Manager - Residential and Community Services.
Engaging customers
Customer engagement efforts through in-person and virtual workshops as well as events are intended to complement the overall building strategies for saving energy. The content for summer workshops focuses on cooling, dehumidification, ventilation and other strategies.
“We needed a hybrid approach to reach the range of renters—from older tenants and low-income families to international students and young professionals,” Warner said. “So we are offering different formats that likely will include in-person, virtual, digital and social efforts.”
Throughout the past year, MGE met with property managers and their teams to learn about each community of renters.
“Our workshops are based on research and tailored to each property, so it’s a very targeted approach to energy management,” Driscoll said. “We want to understand these renters who are our customers so we can meet them where they are and build on that.”
More workshops and events are scheduled for the coming months after which an evaluation will be completed.